30 September 2016


Wohoo!! It's the first time Lulabyspoon went on a trip together to a foreign country! It's Thailand and we didn't come here alone, we went here with some good friends for a short getaway!

We went on a lot of different places and Santorini Park is one of them and I think it's a blog worthy post because this place is BEAUTIFUL! Just look at these photos I've taken!

The place might be scorching hot but it doesn't stop us from taking lots and lots of photos! Yeap, that's just how pretty it is. Now, we won't say much in this post, we want to let you guys to just enjoy these beauties!

There's a lot of different sections and shops in this recreational park and you need to pay to just go into this park but trust me, it'll be worth it!

What made this place so pretty is because of the white and blue theme! Feels like a glimpse of heaven..lol!

It's like walking in a make believe neighborhood and really gives of a calming effect. Though it's hot, you just don't want to stop exploring!

Don't worry about getting thirsty or hungry cause they also have a restaurant here! We also thought that there won't be any, since it's a park, so we thought there'll only be snacks or no foods at all but turns out, there's a lot of different restaurants here! I don't know which one is good though, just tried one of their noodle shop and I don't really recommend it!

Sorry for being narcissistic but this place will bring out that side of you, trust me! XD See you guys on our next holiday! Soon we hope..lol!


  1. the highest mountain of Thailand, Doi Inthanon is also placed inside the Province, not far from the capital of the Chiang Mai Province which is also known as Chiang Mai. https://catmotors.net/routes/doi-inthanon/

  2. Choosing a suitable car is one of the most vital decisions to double the charm of traveling. Transfers in Santorini
