27 September 2015


Hey there! Now I know LUC bar here is not actually new but I think the place is too cool to miss out on! So here it is, LUC Bar & Grill, located Wolter Monginsidi, pretty easy to find as the place is really elegant from the outside, so no worries!

The place really looks like a bar with it's low lighting and rack full of bottles! There's also a huge bar on the side. My favorite part would be the cool looking lamps and how there's a huge window to the kitchen in the back!

There's a few half-separated areas here for those who're looking for a more private spot, though it's only separated by the racks of bottles. Hey, at least it's separated..lol!

Tables are mostly a single one with just a few long tables and the whole place is a smoking room. You can clearly see that from how each table has an ashtray, right?

Is it just me or does this area gives off an underground bar feeling? Maybe it's the brick wall, love it though!

Vanilla ice cream, yoghurt, grape, blueberry, strawberry.

This is the marketer's personal favorite because it's not too sweet with just a pinch of tang! Very refreshing indeed, perfect for the hot days of Jakarta! Though I don't really get the name, it's called blue heaven when it's clearly purple!

Vanilla ice cream, yoghurt, peach, pineapple, lychee, honey.

We personally prefer this one instead because it's sweeter! Yes, we love sweets! Just reading the description gives you an idea that this will be sweet. The only tangy flavor only comes from the yogurt and pineapple! Plus, there's honey in it..definitely a winner!

Look at those chucks of peach!

Latina sheet, bolognese beef, bechamel, tomato sauce, parmesan, mozzarella cheese.

Not a big fan of tomato based pasta but this was tolerable, so it's good! Tasted a lot like lasagna made into cannelloni, I'd suggest trying this if you're interested in bolognese! Remember to eat it while it's warm, since nobody likes cold pasta!

Risotto rice, green peas, sweet corn, parsley, sausage, parmesan, black pepper.

Don't get frustrated at me but I'm also not a big fan of risotto.. I guess it's because the first time I had risotto, it tasted so bland that I felt like eating baby food! Which is why even if I had a well seasoned ones like this, my mind just focused on how it's not seasoned enough! Well at least it's fine if I eat it with the sausage and there's a lot of cheese to make the taste stronger!

Escargot, rocket green, white wine, olive oil, garlic, chili.

Now here's something interesting! I rarely had escargots, so I'm really looking forward to this! Since I rarely had this, I don't really know what good escargots should taste like but this one did smell a bit. Maybe it's just how it's supposed to be? Well, the spaghetti and garlic definitely helped in disguising the smell!

Dory fish, capers, cherry tomato, asparagus, butter garlic.

Plating was good and the taste was definitely rich! Though the dory was not as soft as how dory is supposed to be, so that's a downer! Other than that it's all good though, which is too bad, cause it was really delicious, could've been perfect!

Mackerel fish, sambal matah, saute spinach.

I totally prefer this over the dory, even though this was seriously spicy! Well, that's exactly how Bali's sambal matah is supposed to be like, so they did a good job! Love how Indonesian this dish is!

Vanilla cream pudding.

Perfect texture of a pannacota! Not many restaurant can create a perfect pannacota texture! Usually they just either made it into a pudding or mousse, even though pannacota is supposed to be in the middle of both's textures! Two thumbs up for that!

Chocolate, black and white sesame.

Don't really get why they have to smother it with sesame seeds but I guess it's for the looks! The mousse was good but I'd prefer it without the sesame seeds, yet without it, this dessert would be really simple.. :(

A little disappointed that the chocolate didn't melt like what we expected..but since it still tasted good, I guess we're not that mad! Still, they should fix it soon, since what is a chocolate melt if it doesn't melt!

Overall was okay, I guess..I mean, it's not superb or something but it's definitely not bad. Though since this industry has so many strong competitors, I think just being ordinary is not enough! I hope they'll step up their game and wishing them the best of luck!

LUC Bar & Grill
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.33
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan

Opening Hours :
Sunday - Thursday : 10:30 am - 12:00 am
Friday - Saturday : 10:30 am - 01:00 am


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