26 January 2016


Attention all pork lovers!! This is a must read post because here, we are gonna talk all about pork! Well, not exactly all of them but mostly. From the name Bao Ji, which is obviously Chinese and I think it has got something to do with bakpao..lol! Like what I've guessed, their specialty here is bakpao. They began by opening a small shop in pop up bazaars like Brightspot and now, they have opened their very first restaurant! Yeah!!

Located at further South and that is Dharmawangsa, the place isn't that hard to find, since it's in Pelaspas Dharmawangsa, which means it's in the same building as SNCTRY, Taco Local, and But First Coffee. Inside the place, you can feel the Chinese atmosphere with all the Chinese paintings and it's pretty photogenic as well! Pretty generous amount of natural lighting can be found, so if you're looking for an OOTD spot, try this place!

Not trying to be racist but what puzzled me is the fact that they're bold enough to open a non-halal restaurant in the South area, seeing as it's usually in the North or West! Well, it's no wonder that the place was a bit deserted, at least, that's what I saw when I came here. It's totally the opposite of the crowded But First Coffee, which you can see clearly from Bao Ji, since they're just separated by a see-through glass wall! Don't worry though, cause if it's pork, no matter which part of Jakarta they decided to land, I'll totally be there!! Lol!

To lift up your view of this place, it's actually not as bad as you thought. There's still a few people dining here and mostly are foreigners!

Nothing screams Chinese restaurant than some pretty chinaware!

Doesn't it just feel like royalty when you're cutleries are made out of gold? Lol!

Like most Chinese restaurant, a set of condiments will be provided! There's this all time favorite chili, plain chili sauce, and sauteed garlic with oil!

Don't you think this just look super tempting?! Yet again, I found this dish from Instagram. It's no secret that whenever I visit a new restaurant and not knowing what to order, I'll immediately look it up in Instagram to find any interesting dish from other people's previous order. Nothing weird about that, right? :p

3 thick and glazed slices of pork! You can really taste that Asian spice and that yellow goo is actually mashed sweet potato with julienne bengkoang (don't know what it's called) in the middle. Love the overall taste, not because my favoritism over pork but because the taste is actually delicious! Even with those thick slices, the pork is still tender with some crunchy crackers and it'll taste even better with chili and sauteed garlic with oil from the condiments!

Here, they actually have steamed and toasted for the buns but unfortunately, the toasted buns are restricted to beef and prawn only, so only steamed buns for the pork!

I guess if you see it as IDR 39K for a pork bun than it's considered pretty overpriced but look at those thick slices of pork belly! It'll definitely change your mind once you bite into it cause this tastes amazing!

What's inside this is pretty much the same as the grilled belly dish but here you can enjoy it with a fluffy steamed buns! Yum!

Difference between this and the roast pork belly is that Panko is a breaded pork belly. I do admit that the flavor became way lighter than the roast one but it's still undeniably good! Just add that trusty chili and problem's solved! What blew me away is the fact that even though it's breaded and fried, the pork meat is still super tender!! *Drool*

Definitely worth every penny! Look at the size of that pork and with how good it taste..just perfect!

Don't really know why but they're closed on Tuesdays! Remember it, kay? Wouldn't want to go all the way here to find disappointment now, do we?

I'm kinda torn on whether I'm happy or not about their opening. Thrilled that there's finally a pork selling restaurant in the South, on the other hand I kinda wished that they would've opened somewhere closer to home! Well no matter what we'd still wish Bao Ji the best of luck!

Bao Ji
Pelaspas Dharmawangsa
Jl. Dharmawangsa Raya No. 4
Jakarta Selatan 12160

Opening Hours :
Monday - Thursday : 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Friday - Saturday : 12:00 pm - 00:00 am
Sunday : 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Closed on Tuesday

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