30 May 2017


This babi guling is said to be superb, so we just can't not try it after hearing that, right? Even if it is so far, which is at Serpong! It's not that hard to find by the way. Just find the Paramount's roundabout, turn left and there'll be these shops on your left, this is one of those shops! For exact spot just look it up on your gps. Anyways, after coming this far just for this Babi Guling O'an, I saw some posts from fellow foodies that they've opened a branch at PIK!! Darn! But good news to PIK-ers!

The one at Serpong here shares the building with a laundry place, I think the name's Green Laundry or something. Place is pretty mini with only 7 tables or so and interior's very simple and plain, I guess it's so that people will focus more on their foods?

You'll only find 2 menus here, Nasi Babi Guling and Nasi Babi Goreng Sambal Matah both costs IDR 50K each and that's exactly what I got!

The sides for Babi Guling; Sausages.

Fried Liver, Intestines, and others.

Of course, Sambal Matah!

And lastly, this Pork Skin Crackers! There's supposed to be 1 more, which is the Crispy Pork Skin but it's sold out, so I lost 1 sides, the yummy one at that! :(

Honestly tho, I think the Babi Guling here can never compete with the one in Bali. From all the ones I've tried here, there are some that is close but never as good!

Personally, I think IDR 50K is a bit too overpriced, since the meat's lacking in portion. Most of the plate is overflowed with veggies and chili!

Taste-wise, just average. Like I said, none are as good as the ones in the actual Bali!

For this one, though it looks like there's more sambal matah than meat, it actually is not. The meat is pretty generous, though it's very hard to chew and the sambal matah is not the usual matah that I like. Can't put a finger on what's different but it just is. Maybe the coconut oil? Or shallots? Anyways, I guess I'm kinda disappointed!

Well, actually I'm kinda curious about the PIK branch. Is the owner the same? Since I saw that they use a different plate and there's more menu selection like noodles and pulled pork! Coming back here might be impossible but I'm definitely gonna try the one at PIK!

Babi Guling O'an
Ruko Diamond 3, No. 85
Jl. Gading Golf Boulevard
Serpong Utara, Pakulonan barat
Tangerang 15810

Opening Hours :
Everyday : 10:00 am - 08:00 pm


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