25 April 2017


It's mid 2017 and yet coffee game still going strong here in Jakarta! Here's another new coffee shop appearing in Dharmawangsa Square called Maoki Coffee. It's inside Barber Club in the back corner and I start to wonder why are there so many coffee shops that is inside a barber shop!

The owner of this coffee shop and the barber shop is actually the same and you can find a lot of books from Books & Beyond that I don't really know if it's for sale or just to read freely. Anyways, it's good to know that they believe in how coffee shops are a perfect reading spot!

The place is relatively small but super homey, especially on Sundays where there's almost no one here, a perfect introverts' den! It's not that suitable for large groups tho, there's only like 6 tables indoors and 3 outdoors for smoking, so be sure to come here only for a me time!

My coffee here costs IDR 25K, which is much affordable than most coffee shops!

Personally thought that it's somehow overpriced as for that price the portion is really just like a snack. So this is sweet rolls with cheese and smoked chicken inside, though can't really taste the fillings and they also put strawberry jam on the outside. For taste, it's definitely unique but portion's way too small!

Super unique salad!! Why? Well, it's because of the marinated vermicelli! It has this Korean taste somehow and completed with a familiar tasting grilled chicken. Yum!

For the sandwich, I'd prefer this one than the Monte Cristo. From the size is obvious which is more filling and inside this is breaded prawn with mayo. Taste might be familiar and predictable but at least it's filling? Lol!

Waffle's from Zucker Waffle from Pasar Santa or Food Fighters in Melawai, though I don't really know if it's still there or not. The kind of waffle that is crispy outside and chewy inside, which most people would like. Some might prefer the ones that is more crispy and a bit burnt though, which is where our taste differs here (yes, news flash, a lot of times we have different tastes, since we are 2 different people..lol)!

The jam they use here is a coulis, which is a thicker form of sauce from puréed or strained fruits or veggies. I don't really know what fruit they use here but I'm guessing it's raspberry from the taste!

Hmm, I guess this is an okey-ish place and since they've just opened recently, I guess they're still undergoing a lot of trials and I hope they'll improve a bit because the place is such a beauty for brunch. Good luck!

Oh and if you don't want to go inside the mall, you can park directly in front of Maoki here. They're on the shop facing outwards, so if you went from the entrance instead, you'll just need to go around the building to find this!

Maoki Coffee & Food
Darmawangsa Square
Ground Floor no. 58 - 59
Jl. Darmawangsa VI No.43

Opening Hours :
Everyday : 07:00 am - 09:00 pm


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