30 April 2017


Are you ready to indulge yourself in some chocolatey goodness? This is a place where you'll be craving hard for chocolates, it's Moreau at Kemang! Saw this on a random post on Instagram and set our minds to come and try it! How can you not when you see these, just read on and you'll understand why!

The place is pretty simple, adorned with the color of black and yellow (did a song played on your head?), it also looks somewhat fast-foody!

They have 2 floors here, though the 2nd floor is mostly for smoking! The 1st floor is already blessed with a generous amount of natural light tho, so I find no reason to go on the 2nd floor!

On the back of the 1st floor is a half open kitchen with 3 types of chocolate fountain! Just there to tempt you..lol!

It might look like a fast food restaurant but no worries, the waiter will come to the table to take care of your orders!

French crepe, filled with assorted fresh fruits, drizzled with Belgian chocolate of your choice.

Hmm..drizzled? More like generously poured, don't you think? Lol! You can choose what chocolate you want by the way; white, milk, or dark. We went with the safest, which is milk, though I really wanted to try the dark chocolate!

The chocolate on top is just so beautifully drizzled that you can't help but be ruled in! I definitely have no complaints whatsoever..the chocolate is just wonderful with sour fruits to balanced it out and a thin soft crepe, yum!

Moist chocolate cake filled with molten rich chocolate. Topped with chocolate and a scoop of creamy ice cream.

Also went with milk for this one and definitely glad we did, cause I think the inside of this molten cake is filled with dark chocolate. You can also choose your ice cream's flavor, though we recommend getting the vanilla to balance the rich chocolate!

Just a little slice and the filling will come pouring out like a waterfall, so intensely delicious!

Well, truth be told, those 2 are the only ones we really wanted to try after scrolling through Instagram but we can't deny but be tempted to try the others. Too bad we went here after having a meal, so we're pretty full. Can't wait for our next visit tho!

Moreau Chocolatier's Cafe
Jalan Kemang Raya No. 93A
Jakarta Selatan

Opening Hours :
Everyday : 10:00 am - 00:00 am


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